What is article spinner software? An article spinner is a tool that helps you alter the text or wording of an article and create a new article while maintaining its meaning. 

Most people using spinner tools are marketing teams, blog writers, or content creators to create new versions of the original article.

Article spinning allows you to mimic performing content on the internet and re-create it for success. You can use this content on social media and other marketing platforms. The best article spinner tools are Clever Spinner, the Best Spinner 4.0, Quillbot, Spinner Chief 6, Spin Rewriter, and Chimp Rewriter.

Do Article Spinners Work?

Article spinners work up to a certain extent. You get unique content for your blog or social media platform from original web content. As a result, you don’t have to manipulate or develop new ideas for your blog. However, not all article-spinning tools create human-readable content like Chimp Rewriter or Spin Rewriter. 

The algorithm used determines the quality of the spun article. In addition, the paraphrasing could bring in new or awkward phrases that don’t augur well with your blog’s writing style, voice, and tone.

For example, you’ll find that some synonyms used may not suit your blog or original content. These mishaps force you to edit and fine-tune the spun content to ensure that it makes sense. 

It’s why the tool can’t be for professional or academic purposes. Many variables and uncertainties can mix up your article in these situations. If you want to publish high-quality content, ensure you review and re-edit the piece severally before submission. 

Are Article Spinners Legal?

Content spinners are technically legal. It maintains the SEO and optimization strategy from the original content while giving it a new spin. But sometimes people cross ethical limits. They spin other people’s work without giving them credit.

The content is technically different, so you’re not plagiarizing. But you’re not creating new content either. The ideas are not yours. As a result, the borderline between legal and ethical becomes very thin and can cause objections. 

Article spinners help writers and bloggers to create a base for their content. Spinning articles and claiming them as your creation is quite unethical. It’s imperative that when you use people’s content, you credit them to acknowledge their work. 

You can summarize the spun article to avoid having complete similarities with the original content. For example, when you spin original content in the health sector that uses medical jargon.

It’s technically difficult to alter these terms. The right thing to do is to cite the original content to acknowledge the information in your current content.

Best Article Spinners (If You Have To Use One)

Using highly-rated content spinning tools doesn’t always guarantee brilliant results. You’d still have to edit and recheck your content before publishing or posting them on social media. Which means you will spend a long time editing the article. But if you insist on using article spinners to ease your work and cut the time to write articles, go for high-quality tools.

Ensure you countercheck the document for any grammatical, syntax, or other errors that might change the meaning and intention of your content.

The best article spinners utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and Emulated Natural Language (ENL) to convert your researched document. What is the best article spinner? Go for rewriter software like Chimp Writer, Spinner Chief, QuillBot, Spin Rewriter, Clever Spinner, and Spinbot, which are readily available on the internet. 

Some have few-day trial versions that you can extend with a monthly or annual plan or a one-time fee to purchase the software. Clever Spinner uses AI to naturally spin the text or paragraphs given into a new document.

QuillBot is an affordable resource you can integrate into your word apps for easier spinning. It’s a paid monthly plan or yearly. It gives you seven spinning categories to choose from, determining the quality and type of result you want. 

If you don’t want to compromise on the quality of your article’s meaning when spinning, go for the Spin Rewriter.

How Can You Rewrite Content Without an Article Spinner?

A good article should communicate the writer’s intention and pass the message to the readers. Article spinners are a shortcut and sometimes may deprive you of bringing the intended meaning to your readers. 

First, you must understand the original article and internalize its content. Then, go on and summarize and paraphrase as per your understanding. 

These tips will help you recreate a better article instead of using article spinners. 

Use Quotations To Avoid Rewriting

Sometimes you may want to use an author’s piece in your article but can’t paraphrase it. Then, you must quote the original article.

Ensure you use quotation marks and citations to acknowledge the original author. It’s right and ethical to credit the article’s authors as you elaborate on your article’s points. 

Paraphrase Other Authors’ Work

Paraphrasing is the best way to write an article accurately and avoid plagiarism. You can only paraphrase if you understand the gist of the article.

First, internalize and understand what you want to communicate to the reader. Then, write the article. It helps you streamline and refine your article. 

Understand the Author’s Content

You must understand the author’s content before you start rewriting it. Without understanding, you’ll struggle to present the article as your masterpiece.

If you can’t fully understand the article, seek corresponding articles to elaborate on it. It’ll help you create a comprehensive article without spinning. 

Summarize the Main Concept

Apart from paraphrasing, quoting, and citing the author’s work, summarize the content. Don’t rewrite the whole article without purpose. Understanding the article helps you summarize appropriately without leaving any important details. 


Article spinning has its pros and cons in copywriting and content creation. Even using the best article spinner, you can’t get plagiarism-free or unique articles. As an experienced and sensitive content creator or marketing expert, you must adapt and learn how to create and write your articles free from plagiarism.

So, use Quetext plagiarism checker to verify the originality of your spun articles to avoid duplicate content in your documents. You can use this tool in your Google docs or Microsoft Office tools. Be keen and strict when creating unique content by avoiding unethical methods like article spinning.