Comparing Documents for Similarities: PDF & PPT

Microsoft Word files have been a staple in technical education for a long time, and the latest versions include advanced features of spell checking, finding and replacing words, web searching from files, and more. More recently, PDF files have gained momentum in terms of utility, usability, and prominence.

Although many document comparison tools found online allow users to compare one document with another, they cannot compare one document with thousands of other documents at the same time. A plagiarism checker would be able to process the document instantly at the click of a button. 

With the increasing ease of access to information via the internet, it’s more important than ever to ensure original content. Plagiarism is a critical offense that can lead to consequences such as expulsion from school. It is part of a teacher’s role to ensure their students are educated with good writing habits, including how to avoid plagiarism. Luckily, there are simple ways to prevent plagiarism in the content.

Why Compare Documents

As a teacher or professor, being aware of plagiarism in students’ submitted works allows you to guide and educate your students on proper research and writing skills. Everyone makes mistakes, and these mistakes can be learning opportunities.

By using a document comparison tool, matching terms can be identified to determine plagiarized content. Tools have grown quite sophisticated, and can compare various files including Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF docs, Excel, and more. Teachers who do their due diligence to double-check student work helps students learn, and helps keep content authentic.

Comparing Files for Plagiarism

Comparison tools were created in an effort to make comparing files easy. While this seems logical, most of the time, comparison tools are actually quite labor-intensive. Using a comparison tool to compare files requires the user to copy and paste, or upload, two different files. But that’s where the comparison stops. Comparison tools can only work within those two documents, and cannot look outside of those documents for any other instances of plagiarism.

With the market flooded with various tools, one must look for a solution that brings on-demand utility and compatibility with any device. Understanding the requirements is key.  Every software tool is unique and has different functionalities as developed by experts. Each software has its way of use and access, and it is essential to follow the necessary steps of “how to use” described by the software developing company.

Both online and offline tools are available in the digital market. While online tools require the internet to perform some essential functions, offline tools can work without internet or WiFi. It is essential to check the compatibility of comparison tools with both Linux and Mac since both are fabricated with different operating systems of Android and IOS, respectively.

The comparison process should not be tedious, no matter how you go about it.

How to Compare PDF documents and Powerpoint Files

The first and foremost utility feature to compare pdf docs and Powerpoint files should be that users should be able to access and modify them. Teachers should be able to open the new document, copy and paste text, and run the software quickly and effortlessly.

You might have noticed that PDF files have embedded text, and this text cannot be easily highlighted, copied, and pasted. In such cases, certain Adobe Acrobat subscriptions allow PDF editing, which allows the user to copy and paste the text without converting PDF to any other file. Alternatively, teachers can use an optical character recognition (OCR) tool to identify text from the PDF and then run that text through a plagiarism checker. Learn more about how OCR works and its impact on the quality of education.

The following aspects describe various ways of comparing PDF and Powerpoint files to check for plagiarism.

Manual Document Comparison of Two Files

Despite the online comparison tools available a dime a dozen, one might choose to compare PDF or Powerpoint docs manually out of habit and lack of faith in complicated tools. It includes checking file data such as file names, file size, annotations, etc. This is a tedious and time-consuming process that one could bring efficiency to with the right tool. 

Adobe Acrobat has a pre-installed PDF editor that allows you to edit documents with their free version. In the Acrobat premium version, you can combine multiple comparison documents, extract a few sections, split large files into small ones, and visually compare pdfs side by side. A detailed report on comparison results helps make instant changes after comparing the documents in the Adobe acrobat platform. Adobe compare tool is designed to support the comparison process on Windows, Mac OS, and Android devices. Advanced features are available with free versions.

Microsoft Powerpoint also allows users to compare two files, display the changes, and save the revised comparison document. The Microsoft Powerpoint comparison document template makes it possible to put two documents side by side.

Automatic Document Comparison Against Thousands of Online Resources

While the manual comparison methods explained above do point out differences and similarities from one document to another, they don’t solve one major problem: flagging unoriginal content from any other source other than the two being compared. Enter Quetext: a simple and easy-to-use automatic plagiarism checker.

How To Check PDFs and Powerpoint Content for Plagiarism

Checking PDFs and Powerpoint content for plagiarism is easy.

  1. Open the PDF or Powerpoint editor and copy all content.
  2. Navigate to Quetext’s plagiarism checker, and paste the content into the plagiarism detection field.
  3. Press ‘Check for Plagiarism’

Almost instantly, users receive plagiarism results that compare submitted content across thousands of online articles, studies, journals, and more. This plagiarism resource for educators provides an easy and simple method to compare original work with every other source or work across the internet.

The benefits of this method are extensive since the tool offers a comprehensive check rather than simply comparing two Word documents to each other. The toolbar in the side view of the user interface provides easy navigation for providing easier access to compare files, revisions, and reports after document comparison. Its DeepSearch and Color Grade Feedback technology not only helps detect plagiarism effectively but also provides a great user experience.


Different ways of checking PDFs and Powerpoints for plagiarism, like checking the file metadata, using a plagiarism checker tool, a separate plagiarism check for images, or conducting a questionnaire in class, help teachers monitor the students’ progress.

Any teacher who follows comparison practices will instill the importance of good writing habits in students by properly educating them on how to learn with a positive and open mindset. Checking for plagiarism should be a habit for both teachers and students. By following comparison practices, teachers can not only help their students become better writers but also teach them about research methods as appropriate. 

Quetext offers the perfect solution as a plagiarism tool for teachers that is custom-designed to enhance their teaching abilities. Learn more about Quetext’s educator resources for teachers.